Frequently asked questions

What type of training does Fitsapiens health and performance offer?

Fitsapiens provides personalized and small group training sessions focused on enhancing performance and fostering lifelong athletic development for individuals or small teams.

Where is Fitsapiens health and performance located?

Fitsapiens is located at 3294 Kraus Rd, Roberts Creek, Canada, offering a convenient location for local residents seeking fitness training.

Are the training programs suitable for all fitness levels?

It depends, some health conditions are not in our wheel house. Most metabolic based disease or dysfunction can be managed within a workout. We always start slow, less suprises that way. Bone or joint dysfunction, we generally love. Collaborating when possible with your other practioners is always welcomed. If we don't have the answers, will help you find second opinions!

How can I join a training group at Fitsapiens?

To join a training group/team, contact us to discuss your fitness needs. 

What should I bring to a training session?

Please bring comfortable workout attire, water, and any personal equipment you prefer. Our facilities provide necessary training gear.

Elevate Your Fitness Journey

Join our small group training sessions at Fitsapiens in Roberts Creek. Experience personalized coaching and tailored workouts designed to enhance your health and performance.